061 400 9944

20 years of commercial software development experience. Specialist in Java server side technologies. Solution / Enterprise Architecture. Consultancy, mentoring and training. Cross functional team managment. SCRUM/Agile methodologies. Four years international work experience in Mountain View, California, United States

Momentum Metropolitan Holdings Ltd 2018-02-01 - present

Initiative Leader

Legacy to AWS Cloud Migration, Solution / Enterprise Architecture, Cross functional team leadership, IT Head Metropolitan GetUp (Development, Architecture, DevOps, Data, QA)

Interfront (SARS) 2016-08-01 — 2018-01-31

Senior Software Developer

Case Management workflow implementation using Spring 4, Microservices, BPM, Angular

ViaMedia 2016-03-01 — 2016-08-01

Senior Developer

ViaMedia is a cellular solutions and innovations service provider seeking to enable small, medium and large companies in embracing the mobile revolution and developing strategies that will take their products & services into the mobile environment. Microservices platform architecture and rollout (spring boot) Devops R&D

Helios 2013-06-01 — 2016-03-01

IT Specialist

Healthcare administration domain - Middleware Integration Specialist - Wildfly, GIT, MyBatis, Oracle, Apache CXF, Webservices, EJB3.0, Spring, Maven

Metropolitan Health Group (MMI Holdings) 2010-03-01 — 2013-06-01

Technical Lead Software Infrastructure

Healthcare administration domain - Infrastructure Services SOA R&D – Analysis of existing infrastructure services – re-architecture following SOA design principles – Jboss to Websphere service migration - Technologies: Java, J2EE, JBoss, Websphere, SOA, Sybase, Hibernate, JPA, ANT, SVN, Apache/Tomcat, JUnit, iText, Aspose, Apache Camel, Apache ServiceMix, Apache James / Mailets, Apache POI, Web Services, SCRUM, Agile


  • PDF Converter Service built on opensource technologies to replace 2 million rand proprietary solution

VeriSign 2006-10-01 — 2010-01-01

Software Engineer (T4)

Verisign ensures the security, stability and resiliency of key internet infrastructure, including .com and .net top-level domains, and provides protection for websites and enterprises around the world. VeriSign Automated Authentication Systems migration – migration of automated cert issuance services from Weblogic to JBoss platform – reverse engineer and re-design of legacy workflow management and voice authentication systems Thawte Retail Channel systems migration - reimplementation of legacy Thawte retail channel software EcasConnector – Web service based partner integration API Yahoo Shopping – VeriSign PKI site seal integration with Yahoo shopping portal VeriSign Certificate Center / RatePoint integration – API level integration to provision RatePoint's merchant reputation services via VeriSign's certificate management console VeriSign Certificate Center Offermatica Integration – integration of Offermatica (3'rd party) marketing campaign management software VeriSign Certificate Center – Digital Certificate life cycle management portal for the VeriSign brand.


  • Implementation and roll out of Internationalised Domain Names (

Thawte Consulting 2003-04-01 — 2006-09-01

Senior Software Engineer

Thawte is a leading global Certification Authority. Technologies: Java, EJB2.0, Spring, JBoss, MySQL, Hibernate, XDoclet, Struts, ANT, Apache/Tomcat, CVS, PKI, Python, XML RPC, JUnit, Cactus, XP, Scrum, Agile. Thawte Referrer Channel ( Thawte Reseller Channel ( Low Auth SSL Product – SSL123 ( t-Refer Commission Engine Optimization Thawte Voucher System (Lead) Thawte/VeriSign Retail Channel Integration. Thawte/VeriSign Common API (Lead)

iTouch Labs 2002-02-01 — 2003-03-01

Java Developer

Corporate bulk SMS iTouch Services Provisioning platform POC - Technologies: Java, TIBCO, XML, Sybase, Linux, W2K, ANT, Apache/Tomcat, CVS

Dimension Data 2002-02-01 — 2002-02-01


RET (Remote Encoding of Tags) for BPSA (British Petroleum South Africa) Fuel Master System - Agri24 ( Auction and Inventory Management System - Technologies: Java, XML, Websphere, Oracle 8.1.6, SQL Server 7, Windows NT, Unix (Solaris), Linux, EJB 1.1, Apache, JServ, OptomizeIT, Inprise Application Server

Exinet 1999-08-01 — 2001-02-01


Distance education software for INTEK college group - Technologies: Java, XML, Apache, Tomcat, Weblogic 4.5.1, Java Web Server, SQL Server 6.5, Informix, Visual Café native (NT) compiler, Unix (Solaris), Linux, SQLJ

University of Port Elizabeth / NMMU 1994 — 1998

Computer Science

University of Stellenbosch 2006 —

MPhil Sustainable Development Planning and Management

Coursera 2016 — 2016

Functional Programming Principles in Scala


  • Java
  • Object Oriented Analysis and Design
  • Functional Programming
  • Ruby
  • JavaScript
  • Python
  • SQL
  • XSLT
  • Scala


  • SQL Server
  • DB2
  • Oracle
  • MySql

Architecture / Frameworks

  • Spring
  • J2EE
  • Microservices
  • JMS
  • JUnit
  • SOA
  • ORM (Hibernate / MyBatis)
  • Webservices
  • Apache CXF

Application Servers

  • Apache
  • Tomcat
  • NGinX
  • JBoss / Wildfly
  • JMS
  • Websphere ND / Liberty
  • Weblogic
  • MQ Series
  • ActiveMQ


  • Git
  • SVN
  • CVS
  • Nexus
  • Linux / Unix
  • Hoverfly
  • Maven
  • npm
  • Jenkins
  • ANT
  • PKI
Native speaker
Second Language

Managing Director, Route Logix

— Llewellyn Adamson +2782 789 0555 / /

SOA Architect, Metropolitan Health Group / MMI Holdings

— Shaheem Price +2782 570 4301 / /

Senior Manager • Software Development and Architecture

— Muzamil Omar +2783 791 7919 / /

Software Architect, Visa

— David Phaswana +2783 450 0413 / /